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1 bas Adjective

(a) (Declension: fem basse) low price, height, temperature

See also: beau, bon, chaud, clair, facile, faible, fin, foncé, fort, fort, frais, français, froid, grand, haut, laid, large, mauvais, sympa, sympathique, vrai

(b) (in hierarchy, classification) low, (especially of two) lower; les basses classes the lower classes; (Politics) la Chambre basse the Lower House; mer basse low tide, low water; à marée basse at low tide

(c) (geographically) low, lower; les pays ~ the Netherlands; le ~ Rhin the lower Rhine

(d) (pej, fig) low, mean attitude, vulgar expression; (Ling) ~ allemand/latin low German/Latin; (Commerce) ~ de gamme low-end, bottom-of-the-range (somtimes pej), downmarket (pej); être au plus ~ to be on a low ebb, be (feeling) low; c'est ~ de sa part that's a bit low, it's a bit low of him

(e) (in pitch) low, deep; (Music) low note; voix basse low voice, deep voice

2 bas Adverb

(a) to be low; to keep down; parler (plus) ~ to speak (more) quietly, lower one's voice; parler tout ~ to speak in a whisper; (X mètres) plus ~ (X metres) further down; en ~ at the bottom (de, of); de haut en ~ from top to bottom; en ~ de la page/de l'escalier at the bottom of the page/stairs; "~ les mains!", (Infml) "~ les pattes!" "hands off!", "paws off!" (Infml), "keep your paws off!" (Infml), "keep your mits off!" (Infml), "keep your sticky mits off!" (Infml), "keep your grubby mits off!" (Infml); "à ~ le roi!" "down with the king!"; mettre à ~ to demolish, pull down a house; mettre ~ to lay down one's arms; (of animal) to give birth, drop its young

(b) en ~ downstairs; mon voisin d'en ~ my neighbour from downstairs, my downstairs neighbour

See also:

(c) (Music) chanter trop ~ to sing too low, sing out of tune; to sing too quietly

3 bas Noun, masculine

(a) bottom, foot (slightly more formal, literary) of a hill, tree; (more generally) bottom part, lower part of an object, lower end of the market; l'étagère du ~ the bottom shelf; le ~ du dos the small of the back; ~ de caisse underbody; ~ de marche sill; ~ de porte doorsill; (Comput, typing) ~ de page footer; (Comput, typing) ~ de casse lower case; en ~ de casse lower-case characters

4 bas Noun, masculine

(a) (fig) avoir des hauts et des ~ to have ups and downs

5 bas Noun, masculine

(a) stocking; ~ de soie/de nylon silk/nylon stocking;

(Med) ~ élastique, ~ de contention, ~ à varices elastic stocking, support stocking, support hose; ~ mousse stretch stocking; ~ filet, ~ résille fishnet stocking, mesh stocking; ~ de laine woollen stocking; (fig) nestegg

Terms from the DGT glossary

French termEnglish term
Bas de jambe facticeLower Legform impactor
Bas de jambe facticeLower legform impactor
Inclinaison initiale vers le basInitial downward inclination

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