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French-English translation of cote

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  • Did you mean one of the following: chaud, chaut, code, côte, coté, côté, coteau?
  • The form cote could be:
    • from the subjunctive of the verb coter
    • from the present tense of the verb coter
    • (as coté) the past participle of the verb coter

1 cote Noun, feminine

(a) (Cinema) rating; avoir la ~ (Infml) to popular

(b) (Commerce, Administration) classification mark, serial number on goods; classification number on library book

(c) (Stock Exch) share index

(d) (Sport) odds (de, on)

(e) (School) mark

(f) (Commerce) quoted value (of second-hand car)

2 côte Noun, feminine

(a) (at edge of water) coast; (on hill) slope, hillside; la Côte d'Azur the French Riviera; la Côte d'Émeraude the northern coast of Brittany; (Shipping) aller à la ~ to run ashore

(b) (of person, animal) rib

See also: casser, crâne, moelle, os, tibia, vertébral, vertèbre

(c) (Cookery) chop

(d) (Infml) glass of red, glass of red wine (neutral), (more specifically) glass of Côtes-du-Rhône

3 coté Adjective

(a) bien/mal highly regarded or considered/not regarded very highly

4 côté Noun, masculine   Pronounce

(a) side; à ~ nearby, close by; à ~ de next to, beside; compared to; de ~ to put aside; sideways glance

(b) (fig) side; voir le bon ~ des choses to look on the bright side; "voyons le bon ~ des choses!" "look on the bright side!"; passer au ~ obscur to go over to the dark side

(c) (Comput) ~ client client-side; ~ serveur server-side; script ~ serveur server-side script

Terms from the DGT glossary

French termEnglish term
Côté gaucheleft side:
Côté droitright side:
Côte de BrouillyCôte de Brouilly
Côte RoannaiseCôte Roannaise
Vin fin de la Côte de NuitsVin Fin de la Côte de Nuits
Vin de pays de la Côte VermeilleVin de pays de la Côte Vermeille
Côté heurtéImpact side
Capacité de démarrage en côteHill-starting ability
Nombre minimum par côtéMinimum number per side
structure et substrat de la côtestructure and substrate of the coastal bed

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