French Phrases: Types of educational establishment in French

The main types of school in France are the école élémentaire (children age 6-11), collège (11-15 years) and lycée (15-18 years).

établissement (scolaire)etablismɑ̃ skɔlɛʁschool, educational establishment
une écoleyn ekɔlschool
école de dessinekɔl də desæ̃art school
école élémentaireekɔl elemɑ̃tɛʁprimary school
(école) maternelleekɔl matɛʁnɛlnursery school, kindergarten
école primaireekɔl pʁimɛʁ=nursery and primary school
un collègeæ̃ kɔlɛʒ=middle school
un internatæ̃n æ̃tɛʁnaboarding school, boarding section
un lycéeæ̃ lise=upper secondary school, sixth form college
une facultéyn fakyltefaculty, school (of a university)
à la fac (Informal)la fakat university
école religieuseekɔl ʁəliʒjøz=faith school
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See also: school subjects in French.

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