How to pronounce manger

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mThe French 'm' sound is pronounced in a similar way to English 'm'. Just remember that the letter "m" at the end of a word or before another consonant doesn't represent an 'm' sound as such in French, but rather that the previous vowel is nasalized. 
ɑ̃This vowel is pronounced with the mouth relatively wide open and the tongue quite far towards the back of the mouth (similar to many English speakers' pronunciation of the word "are"). The vowel is nasalized: air escapes through the nose as well as the mouth. 
ʒThis sound is the sound represented by the 'g' in "beige", or the 's' in the English word "leisure". 
eThe French 'close e' vowel, often written é, is pronounced with the tongue almost as far forward in the mouth as it will go, and fairly close to the roof of the mouth. Keep your lips fairly spread and aim to "hold your tongue and lips in position" (to avoid producing it as a "glide" or diphthong) as you pronounce it.