How do I ask questions in French?There are a number of ways of forming questions in French and the ins and outs of some of them are rather complicated. But 99 per cent of the time, you don't need the complicated forms. Here are some simple rules of thumb to get you through. The simple case: questions in informal speechIn relaxed spoken French (i.e. probably in about 95% of usage), the following is generally all you need to remember:
est-ce que tu travailles? do you work?
est-ce que tu fais ça demain? are you doing it tomorrow? est-ce que tu as des frères et soeurs? have you got any brothers and sisters? ![]()
tu travailles? do you work?
tu fais ça demain? are you doing it tomorrow? tu as des frères et soeurs? have you got any brothers and sisters? ![]()
tu pars quand? when are you leaving?
tu vas où? where are you going? tu travailles avec qui? who do you work with? tu fais quoi? what are you doing? ![]() NotesIt is also often possible to use est-ce que with partial questions and that is the normal way to use pourquoi:
quand est-ce que tu pars? when are you leaving?
où est-ce que tu vas ? where are you going? pourquoi est-ce que tu ne viens pas? why aren't you coming? ![]() The construction qu'est-ce que... (and not When the question would begin with a preposition, it's less usual to use est-ce que. So one would tend to say tu travailles avec qui? rather than %avec qui est-ce que tu travailles?. More complex cases: formal speech and writingIn formal speech and writing:
InversionIn formal French, it is possible and usual to form a question by inverting the order of the subject and the verb. In English, most verbs require 'do' support: do you work? In French, no extra verb is required, but to ensure life isn't too easy, there are other complications instead:
Inversion with il, elle, onThese third person pronouns all begin with a vowel. When the verb is placed before one of these pronouns, a -t- sound will always occur between the verb and the pronoun. If the spelling of the verb doesn't already end in a t sound (either spelt -t or -d), then one is added explicitly:
finit-il? voulait-elle? travaille-t-il? mange-t-elle? couvre-t-on? ![]() Noun phrase subjectWhen the subject is a noun phrase (i.e. not a pronoun), it may, depending on the circumstances:
The following table gives an indication of when each form is possible, with examples.
Inversion with jeInversion with je is reasonably common with a handful of common short verbs or in the odd set expression:
dois-je faire une réservation?
puis-je faire une réservation? suis-je obligé de faire une réservation? il est... comment dirais-je?... un peu stupide he is... how shall I put it...? a bit stupid ![]() Other than that, inversion with je occurs only in literary usage. Further reading...